a boa nova do Ensino-Aprendizagem entre professores e os alunos das instituições superiores
Case for teaching, Revised Bloom TaxonomyAbstract
This article portrays the case for teaching as a possible pedagogical resource to teach the students of the course of administration, in view that such methodology meets the higher rungs of the Bloom Taxonomy. The research method isclassified in a qualitative approach, of an applied nature. On the research objective was used the exploratory and descriptive study, and as technical procedure was used the bibliographic survey. It was tried to raise the following aspects: the relation of the taxonomy of Bloom with the case methodology for teaching, besides its conceptualization, historical and objective. Another objective was to identify the types and the adequacy, besides the possibility of implantation to the reality in superior courses of administration. The results were that the use of the case for teaching as a pedagogical resource makes it possible to observe the links between the teaching environment and the real world of organizations, favoring the development of cognitive skills in students through analysis, synthesis and judgment, Characteristics are also found in the Bloom taxonomy at its highest steps.
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