Imagination, Childhood, MoralAbstract
The present critical study intends to deal with the act of philosophizing as a possibility of retaking the most distant childhood that remains for a lifetime. The creative act is first and foremost a cosmic potential, whereby the child appropriates his inner worlds in all their entirety in the multiplicity of childhoods, so that childhood can and must dwell in each of us. In this sense we will make a critical study approaching the philosophy of Gaston Bachelard (1884-1962) with Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925). A glimpse of this approach has already been made earlier by Michel Onfray (1959 -) in his book Cosmos, however, from a critical point of view different from Onfray (who considers Steiner's work doubtful), we would like to find possible approximations between the Bachelardian humanism and anthroposophy, trying mainly to reconcile the aspects of transition between childhood and youth, which both undertake and which are based on the relationship of being with the cosmos, nature and its elements. For this, we will start from the text The poetic of Bachelard daydream making an intersection with the conference The moral value of scientific culture, as well as we will use two texts by Steiner, The Philosophy of Freedom and The Education of the Child according to Spiritual Science. In this investigative process, we use a praxeological methodology that goes from a contextual investigation on the philosophical, pedagogical and anthropological aspects that led us to the results of the childhood imaginary as well as their moral implications in the subjective construction of knowledge.
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