Rail Freight Transport, Concession, InvestmentsAbstract
In order to be developed, a nation must have a consolidated transport matrix. When a nation has large territorial extensions, rail freight transport must have the largest share in the transport matrix as it is a modal capable of transporting large volumes of freight over medium and long distances. The process of granting railway networks was a way of eliminating the Brazilian railway sector debts and making the modal gain more investments and have a greater participation in the transport matrix. Thus, this study aims to carry out an analysis of the impacts that the concessions in the 1990s brought to the railway sector. To achieve the results, a documentary and bibliographic analysis was carried out. Hence, there was an increase in investments in both private and public sectors, a decrease in the number of accidents, an increase in direct and indirect jobs and greater participation in the production of cargo transportation. It was also possible to verify that iron ore is the largest volume transported on rail tracks, reaching almost 80% of all freight that was transported in 2018. Thus, based on research and analysis, the conclusion is that after the concession there were more positive than negative impacts. Additionally, the impacts that the concessions brought to the rail passenger transport this suggested as a theme for future researches
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