a case study in a public company
Public Administration, Planning, TendersAbstract
The work aimed to structure the best way to plan bids, which are purchases made by the Public Administration, seeking suggestions to streamline its processes through the organization, without violating any law, norm or current rule, so that the requesting sector receives properly what was requested in a timely manner, also valuing the economy of the available resources. For this, a case study was carried out in a public company, where the specific characteristics of the bidding processes and the information flows through which they pass were verified. It was found that, knowing the process flow, standardizing the way of making the purchase orders, marking the maximum time that the folder remains in the current responsible and using an annual purchasing calendar, it is possible to reduce the delivery time of the items and services provided. As final considerations it was found that it would be necessary to monitor the routine in a purchasing sector to know how far the employees know the process, even to suggest improvements, considering the existing barriers.
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