um estudo sobre a inserção de disciplinas remotas
Project management, Hybrid teaching, Undergraduate coursesAbstract
The covid-19 pandemic has imposed a long period of completely remote lectures on educational institutions. In this time, the continuity of didactic-pedagogical activities was possible by the adoption of digital tools combined with active teaching methods. After the period of fully remote classes, the face-to-face return brought to light the need to incorporate best practices and tools into the regular teaching-learning process. The search for the best model that incorporates these digital practices and tools into the teaching model is an arduous task that will certainly lead to a diversity of models, adapted to the needs and peculiarities of courses and institutions. In this article, a proposal for a project for the adaptation and incorporation of digital tools will be presented for a face-to-face higher education course, subject to the maximum ceiling of remote activities established by MEC. The research method will be documentary and based on the author's experience in higher education institutions. The expected result is a flexible project to implement digital tools for higher education courses, starting from the internship with no remote workload and without proposing changes to the curriculum or the course structure. The implementation needs to consider the best project management practices, being based on the PMBOK.
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